Anouch Missirian

I am an assistant professor at the Toulouse School of Economics within the Environmental Economics group and a chargée de recherche (research fellow) at INRAe. I graduated from the PhD program in Sustainable Development at Columbia University, which seeks to address environmental and social issues through an interdisciplinary approach. For me that consists in combining questions, methods, and data from both ecology and economics, in my doctoral research and beyond.

Prior to moving to Toulouse, I was a postdoc at the Environmental Markets Lab (emLab) at UC Santa Barbara. 

Before crossing the Atlantic westward, I studied Biology and Ecology at the École normale supérieure in Paris. There, I picked a keen interest in biodiversity and ecosystem processes, in particular as they concern vegetation and soils, or are affected by human land use (e.g. agricultural practices). The human, and specifically economic, component of those issues is of particular interest to me. My research seeks to get at that interplay, for instance by assessing the local environmental and economic consequences of conservation programs (in Ecuador), by quantifying the effect of weather shocks affecting agricultural regions on international migration (to Europe), or by examining the dynamics of agricultural landscape simplification (in the United States).

Wonder how to pronounce my name? Nothing unheard of, and nothing to worry about, I am not too particular about it. If you are lucky enough to understand the IPA /anuʃ/ will help, otherwise just think "baba ganoush". Or ask!